Interview With Cap’n

Why do you love dithering so much?

-I work on abandonware and mostly on low resolutions, so the dithering comes naturally out of it, but it is certainly a must to learn and experiment with it. There are a lot of dithering styles, but the main reason I'd say I love it so much is because it takes me back to my childhood nostalgia.

Why don't you put "figmentz" as a collection in the old account?

-Since there is no option to sort or edit your profile and I create several different themed projects at the same time, all in-one OBJKT profile would have looked terrible for me. The main reason is to keep all in order, plus I love the surprise factor behind, oh! is this the same guy?

The concept of figmentz creation is different from the principles of dithering, right?

-Completely different, while dithering is more an efficient way of shading with a limited palette, the figmentz are made using abandonware that has its different tools. You can dither inside of it, but what's made the figmentz so special for me is the intense experimentation I've done with this software.


Zhenyuanzi is fearless of Tathagata. Why is he respectful to Guanyin?


Interview With Myujii